What is it?: the acronym D.U.V.R.I. means “Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi da Interferenza’; it is a document which an employer is obliged draw up each time an external contractor (or self-employed professional) is employed to operate within the company. The obligation to provide this document was introduced in the workplace safety guidelines in Legislative Decree 81/08 art .26 para. 3, adapted from the Legislative Decree 106 of 3 August 2009.
What is it for?: The function of the DUVRI is to ensure that the external contractor is informed of the health and safety risks within the workplace and of the measures of prevention and protection in place to reduce these risks.
When it is not obligatory: Legislative Decree 81/08 and “Action Decree” (in Italian the “Legge del fare”) 99/2013, state the following cases in which the DUVRI cannot be drawn up:

  • subcontracting jobs of an intellectual nature;
  • mere supply of materials or equipment;
  • work or services which require 5 men / day or less, providing that they do not involve high risk of fire or the presence of carcinogens, biological agents, explosive atmospheres or specific risks connected to attachment XI of the Testo Unico (legislative decree regarding safety);
  • activities which present a low accident /injury risk for both the customer and the subcontracted company, if the responsibility of supervision, coordination of work is entrusted to a qualified individual with the necessary training and experience related to the work at hand; this person shall also have an updated and direct knowledge of the working environment. (This responsibility must be specified in the contract).

Regarding work in a shipyard, if the Health & Safety Plan has not yet been drawn up, (title IV of Legislative Decree 81/08) it is not necessary to provide the DUVRI.

How is it drawn up?: The DUVRI is drawn up by the employer of the company requiring the collaboration and the employer of the subcontracted company,  so as to reduce the risk of tendering interference.
