“The Magnificent 500”

 (“The Magnificent 500”) is the title of a recently published report that appeared in “Corriere della Sera”, the highly regarded Italian economic newspaper. It references the top 500 companies in Italy that had a substantial improvement in turnover between 2010 and 2016. Drass Galeazzi, in an analysis and comparison of over 12,000 like companies, was placed 119th and found itself amongst the top quartile of the “Magnificent 500”.

Drass Galeazzi is the main company of a Group that in only five years increased the total turnover by 200%, with an average improvement per year of 11.5 million Euros. Similar results have been achieved for the Group equity (consistent improvement per year of 10.3 million Euros) and Total assets (average improvement per year of 12.5 million Euros). But the real strength of Drass is the shareholder equity that in the last few years is constantly on 80%, together with a ROI index of about 30%. Financial indexes show a flexible corporate structure characterized by an ever greater solidity. These conditions are made possible thanks to high profits, which are always reinvested into the business. Drass also achieves this impressive result due to its high level of innovation and flexibility, thanks to its ability to design and produce internally through an accurate certified quality process.

