DS8 SDV Communication System (COMMS) – Sea Trials

During the month of March, sea trials of the DS8 Swimmer Delivery Vehicle’s new Communication System (COMMS) took place.

DRASS COMMS system is comprised of 3 components: a transportable surface system, the underwater system within the DS8 itself, and a portable diving system interfaced with full-face diving mask.
3-mode communication takes place via hard-wire, underwater acoustics, and radio frequency. The system performs underwater to a depth of 100 meters via acoustics and at periscope depth or on surface with radio frequency.

In summary, sea trials went exceptionally well in terms of quality and reliability, demonstrating performances far superior to the standard systems used in these operations. Excellent acoustic recordings of voice and data wireless communication, including text message and file/image exchanges, were registered at distances of over a kilometer between divers and SDV, and between SDV and surface station.
