Drass extends warm congratulations to valued business partner, CCC (UE), on the latest addition to their fleet: Ice Class Multi-Purpose Dive Support and Subsea Construction Vessel, Wadad Aletheia.
This vessel, one of the largest and most capable DSCVs in the world, features the DNV-classed Drass i100 Series which boasts a 24-man fully automated twin bell saturation diving system with a 3-diver air/nitrox surface diving spread.
Soon to be equipped also with a complete Drass KOMMS (Drass Communication System) for the internal saturation and air diving system, this will complement the current Drass Outer Area Communications onboard, resulting in a system entirely outfitted with DRASS equipment.

It has been a pleasure supporting CCC, and Drass extends gratitude for all the reciprocal positive feedback and good feeling during this project – from installation to technical support.
Calm seas and fair winds to Wadad Aletheia vessel and to all who collaborated on its success!