Length over all 80.00 m
Breadth moulded 25.00 m
Displacement 9000 T

The MRSV is a multipurpose semi-submersible vessel capable to transport up to two Drass Midget Submarines, and to operate as rescue and salvage vessel for a Midget or a Conventional DISSUB.
The MRSV can provide transportation, maintenance and logistic support to the Midget Submarines.

The vessel also provides comfortable accommodation for the submarine crew, therefore representing an ideal deployable base, to easily extend the range of the crafts to remote areas of operation.
On the main deck the MRSV hosts the Drass Submarine Rescue System and Submarine Ventilation System to perform rescue operations for the DISSUB. The MRSV is also equipped with two stern lifting arms connecting each to a 60 ton winch. Each winch is capable to perform submarine salvage operations, lifting a flooded Drass DG160 Midget Submarine from the seabed and recovering it to the semi-submersible drydock for transportation ashore.