During recent weeks, DRASS hosted RINA classification society, Saipem, and the Italian Navy for the validation tests of the Navy’s SDO-SuRS (Special & Diving Operations-Submarine Rescue Ship) Deployable Assets. During this testing phase, the electronic distributed system of the core Rescue and Intervention Command & Control System was rigorously tested.
Participants included Commander Gianfranco Betrò (Italian Navy COMSUBIN), Daniele Paganelli (RINA Quality Surveyor), Maurizio Musumeci (Saipem ROV & Subsea Vehicles Control), Valerio Imbriolo (DRASS Software & Control Systems Coordinator), and Luca Biasci (DRASS Electronic & Software Coordinator).
The validation tests were a resounding success, all achieving exceptional results, and the occasion proved to be a valuable opportunity to elaborate on operational methodologies and next future developments.