Interchangeable with D-ONE AIR Pod, D-ONE PLUS Pod is specifically designed to protect divers in dirty water and is certified...
Interchangeable with D-ONE AIR Pod, D-ONE PLUS Pod is specifically designed to protect divers in dirty water and is certified...
As part of DRASS' contract with the Italian Navy for a next-generation Submarine Rescue System, DRASS has been delivering specialized...
Thanks to the exceptional teamwork, professionalism, and expertise at DRASS, we continue to lead in cutting-edge technology in commercial diving,...
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Warship Technology Journal 2024 Q1 Available now for public view, discusses the rising demand...
DRASS is committed to continually advancing technology in the underwater domain, addressing future challenges and evolving client requirements effectively. To...
On June 13th, DRASS was delighted to host a delegation from the Polish Navy - Rear Admiral Włodzimierz KUŁAGIN, Head...
On June 11th, DRASS had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from Dongil Shipyard led by President Sung Tae KIM....
On June 7th, DRASS had the pleasure of welcoming Walid Fouany, Plant Manager at CCC Consolidated Contractors Company (Underwater Engineering)...
Drass is thrilled to announce its participation in the upcoming Hollywood movie Last Breath that extensively features D-ONE commercial diving...
On 23 May Drass welcomed a delegation from the Secretariat General of Defence and National Armaments Directorate led by Lt....