


Hi everyone.
My name’s Genine and I’m the Marketing Manager at Subspec. I joined the team in the summer of 2016 for my first trade show at ONS Stavanger. It was a great introduction to the role, as well as a reunion of sorts with many ex-colleagues and familiar faces. You see, during the past 12 years my career has specifically been within this niche offshore marine sector – with London-based trade associations IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) and ITOPF (International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation) – bringing me to industry events, shipping groups and P&I insurance clubs the world over including the Norwegian Skuld and Gard.
ITOPF, largely made up of marine biologists, facilitates clean up operations and compensation claims on behalf of areas impacted by oil and chemical spills worldwide. There I advised on membership certification for operational and ecological best practice and vessel first-response cover. In a similar vein, on IMCA’s technical division I managed the accreditation schemes and best practice guidance for offshore commercial divers, diving supervisors and LSTs worldwide.
This brings me nicely to Drass in a role that is very much conducive to promoting the company at industry events, whilst also producing and editing promotional content for company product brochures, contractual and technical specifications, LinkedIn press releases, translation, and the Drass newsletter. Currently I also have a fascinating project of cataloguing and documenting Drass’ incredible century-long history, as well as something special to be unveiled by Subspec in the near future… Watch this space!
As my job bridges many departments here at Drass and Subspec, I have had the opportunity to appreciate firsthand the technical excellence and great personalities around me. Their passion to create and innovate, and the enthusiasm I see from our clients touring the facilities, makes for such a positive vibe.
In my spare time I have to say I am quite a foodie (aka “Pacman”) and photography enthusiast; and love to enjoy both on meanderings around beautiful Tuscany and beyond!