


Hello, my name is Maurizio, I was born in 1964, this year I will turn 50 years old.  30 of these years working in the Energy  and Petrol-chemical sector. The last eight years working here at Drass as Welding & Workshop Manager.
One of my responsibilities is to manage the construction of large pressure vessels, such as hyperbaric chambers and bells, HRF portable hyperbaric facilities and the construction of heavy steel structures as the cradle.
One of my favourite hobbies is cooking dishes with fish as the main ingredient, because my second passion is angling fishing.  I also love to read a good book with blues music in the background. The weekend is dedicated to my family, I’m very proud of them, I have a fantastic wife who has been with me for twenty years and helps me grow my three sons and my nine kilo Chartreux cat named Grey.